Infravenir meet-up at the IPEM

Les inscriptions sont fermées.

As many of you will attend the IPEM this year, we will be very happy to catch up with you there.

Please do not hesitate to let us know if you are attending the IPEM so that we can add you to a temporary WhatsApp group dedicated to the event. In the group, we will share tips, useful information related to the relevant events for us and organise informal meetups with you.

We look forward to catching up with you at the IPEM


Raphaël Schlesser & Kawtar Ziyat for the Infravenir Team.

Date et heure
mardi septembre 20, 2022
Commence à 08:00 (Europe/Paris)
jeudi septembre 22, 2022
Fin - 20:00 (Europe/Paris)


4 Place de l'Opéra
75002 PARIS
Obtenez l'itinéraire



Découvrez ce que les gens voient et disent à propos de cet événement et rejoignez la conversation.