The club for young 

infrastructure professionals

Infravenir is an association dedicated to young professionals in the infrastructure sector. Its ambition is to bring together a new generation of professionals from different practices bringing in a multitude of perspectives in building and developing tomorrow's infrastructure.

Deriving its name from the words Infrastructure and Avenir (which is the French word for future), the association extends its scope to include all types of economic and technical infrastructure that contribute in the day to day functioning of our society. Indeed, we believe that infrastructure is core in addressing the many challenges facing modern society, be it in energy, transport or telecommunications sectors.

Through our association, our objective is to bring together as many proactive young professionals as possible around the challenges of tomorrow.

We therefore encourage all young professionals who identify with our values and ambition to take part and join us!

The Challenges

The challenges facing infrastructure professionals are considerable. They go hand-in-hand with the society’s major challenges:

  • How can we build a stable, sustainable environment in a period of technological revolutions?  
  • How should we meet the challenge of climate change?
  • How do we achieve carbon neutrality?
  • What will tomorrow's energy mix look like? 
  • How should we meet the challenges of flexibility and decarbonization?
  • ​How do we integrate the emerging technologies surrounding decarbonized mobility?
  • ​What is the best way to integrate demographic challenges into our thinking?
  • ​Which public and private players will be central to addressing these immense needs?

The infrastructure of tomorrow is at the heart of many discussions today. Yet there is limited attention on the new generation of professionals who will design, develop, build and manage them. This is a challenge in its own right. We believe that as the infrastructure ecosystem evolves, the demand for quality expertise and high-caliber skills in the sector will continuously develop.

Mission Infravenir

Our Mission

Objectif Infravenir

​How do we integrate the emerging technologies surrounding decarbonized mobility?

Created at the end of 2018 in Paris, Infravenir is now recognized in several regions of France and the key metropolises of Europe.

We aim  to bring together as many proactive young professionals as possible around the challenges of tomorrow.

Our goal is to create an open and informal network of professionals in order to:

  • Bring together the new generation of infrastructure professionals in a unified network 
  • Facilitate the exchange of views on the sector's various businesses, trends and best practices  
  • Act as a lever for knowledge-sharing by soliciting analysis and feedback from experienced professionals  
  • Give young professionals the opportunity to play a more active role in addressing the sector's many challenges and developments, and to contribute to the drafting of potential recommendations  
  • Closely associate sectoral and societal issues in our discussions and reflections, and thus participate in building a sustainable and resilient society Represent the new generation capable of meeting tomorrow's challenges

Multifaceted Organization

Concretely, in order to achieve our goals and objectives we organize a variety of conferences and events throughout the year:

  • Conferences and round tables with industry experts
  • Regular site visits to major infrastructure or infrastructure-related projects
  • Workshops on specific project and/or infrastructure financing topics
  • Get-togethers and informal exchanges (afterworks, breakfasts, etc.) throughout the year.
  • Mentoring program with recognized experts
  • Leadership seminar to develop softskills
  • Podcasts and digital animations highlighting the latest industry news
  • Active presence on social networks, especially LinkedIn
    Eventually, participation in infrastructure-related pro bono initiatives, in collaboration with NGOs or social entrepreneurs.
Organisation multimodale